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Running the Server

Using Docker

The preferred way to run the server is using docker:

docker run --gpus all --rm -ti -p 8000:8000 xvykopal/monailabel-server:latest bash

or you can use the following command, if you have downloaded the source code:

docker compose up

Locally without Docker

The second way to start the server is by using the provided script start_server.bat, which can be run with the following command:


Steps to run server without Docker installed:

  1. Open the directory with the saved source code for MONAI Label.

    Open the directory

  2. Then, instead of the file path, enter the command cmd in the file explorer.

    Run cmd

  3. After the console appears, type the command start_server.bat to start the server.

    Run start_server.bat

  4. After successfully starting the server, you should be able to see the following output in the console.

    Server output

If the server does not start, manual startup is required using the following commands.

Before starting the server, activate the Python environment:

  • venv

  • conda

    conda activate monailabel

To start the server:

monailabel/scripts/monailabel start_server --app apps/pathology --studies datasets/